The Lorisian Food Intolerance tests use the ELISA (enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay) method to detect circulating antibodies, which recognise and bind to purified food antigens. The ELISA method is used extensively in immunology and biochemistry. This technique has been shown to be highly reliable (95% – 97% reproducible) in detecting a variety of antibodies and antigens of clinical importance.
Overseen by a medical director, their food specific IgG method has had more scientific papers published about its performance than any other intolerance test on the market.
Lorisian Gold (Previously called 200 plus) – Cost: 3650sek
The most comprehensive test, the Lorisian 200plus will analyse your IgG antibody reactions to a full range of 208 food and drink ingredients.
The test is simple to take and can be done with or without my supervision. All that is required is a small blood sample, which is obtained with a simple prick of the finger.
Your sample will be analysed for IgG antibody reactions in the blood, when it is exposed to 208 food and drink ingredients. A step by step guide on how to take the test is included in your kit.
A food-specific IgG reaction should not be confused with food allergies, nor other types of food intolerances, which Lorisian do not test for. These include:
- Enzyme deficiencies e.g. lactose (milk sugar) intolerance
- Coeliac disease; requiring lifelong avoidance of gluten
- Chemical sensitivities e.g. histamine, tyramine, sulphites etc
- Simple home-to-laboratory testing kit
- Results sent within 10 days
- Post-test materials, including a comprehensive guidebook and 12 week food and drink diary